1991 - Canada India Institutional Cooperation Project (CIICP)

Canada India Institutional Cooperation Project (CIICP) is a major Human Resource Development Project launched in the year 1991 through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the Govt. of Canada and the Govt. of India. The main objective of the project is to train the staff of the Polytechnic Colleges to improve the quality and enhance the quantum of the human resource potential and to achieve development in Polytechnic Education System.

They wanted to select the best Polytechnic College in India and help them grow further. The Canadians visited several polytechnic colleges and Thiagarajar Polytechnic College was selected as the first center for Canada India Institute Cooperation Project (CIICP). CIICP transformed the polytechnic college into a school for the community at large. The college campus bustles from dawn through late in the night with students as young as 6 years old through to the elderly.